Sincerely Wrong
Acts 2:36 (NASB77) 36 "Therefore let all the house of Israel know for certain that God has made Him both Lord and Christ—this Jesus whom you crucified."
The news this week has been busy with reports of the new Tom Cruise biography and his involvement in the church of scientology. In those reports it is usually noted that the church is considered by some to be a "cult". Tom and the church have been getting a lot of press. In interviews about his church/faith, Tom is very convinced and very sincere in his beliefs. But no matter how sincere or convinced a person may be about their beliefs, it is entirely possible to be sincerely wrong.
The past two weeks messages have been pretty tough for some of us to deal with because they address areas of sin in our lives. Although those messages are hard to hear and to receive, they are necessary to keep us from becoming overtaken by our own poor judgment and sins. Paul reasoned with Felix of "righteousness, self-control and judgment to come". Sometimes we lose sight of the fact that judgment day will come for everyone. I not only want to make sure that I and my household are saved, but I also want to make sure that others understand the truth of Christ's return and that we aren't being lulled to sleep by the fact that He hasn't returned yet.
Jesus Christ is the only way to heaven. I am convinced of that by the body of evidence in the bible and all that creation and life teach me to confirm that it is true. Therefore I preach so that men might believe. Please pray with me that God will raise us up as a standard, light and salt in a dark and dying world. Pray with me that we would separate ourselves from sinful behavior in order that others might see and believe. The child Jesus grew in "wisdom and stature and in favor with God and man." In other words, he lived righteously in this present world. We are the most blessed nation on earth today. No one has experienced the level of blessing that we have received at the hand of God. I hope we don't ever forget where it came from!
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