Monday, April 06, 2009

Passion for the Passion

Hello all,
As we move through Passion Week I wanted to remind you to focus on the reason for this week’s celebration. In Western Culture we seemingly put much more emphasis on Christmas than we do on Easter. I suppose it is only an opinion that would elevate one event over the other, but the Passion Week seems to be much more significant to me than the celebration of the birth. Perhaps we celebrate Christmas more enthusiastically and more readily because it is more universally accepted. Everyone likes births. New babies are sweet and cuddly, so the celebration of Jesus birth is somewhat a natural instinct. Besides, it gives us an excuse to rack up credit card debt to buy stuff……the biggest stuff we buy for ourselves! But Easter is a lot messier and much more controversial. The world stumbles, according to 1 Peter 2:8, over the figure of Jesus precisely because of what the bible says he purchased with His death: forgiveness of sin. Without Jesus’ sacrificial death on the cross there would be no forgiveness for sin and no entrance to heaven. That claim sets the world at odds with Jesus and with Easter, because we don’t like being told we are sinners.
During this week in history, Jesus most likely was preaching sermons warning people of the wrath of God to come. He was preparing his disciples for his impending death. And, he was preparing his own heart and spirit for the awful fate that was ahead of Him: the wrath of God. Scripture teaches that He became sin for us who knew no sin. Because He became sin, and because He was offering Himself in our place, He had to suffer, as God poured out His wrath against sin – on Jesus. This was most probably what Jesus was referring to when he prayed “let this CUP pass from me”. The ‘cup’ in the Old Testament was representative of the wrath of God. Jesus took the punishment, not just the physical beating and death, but the true punishment from God, for our sin. He did so, because He loves us! That is absolutely, without a doubt, the most amazing love that has ever been seen!
This week is a reminder of the penalty that should have been ours and the amazing love that held Jesus on that cross! Those of us who are Christian have the great responsibility to be missionaries in our culture. We hold in our possession this vital information regarding God’s ultimate act of love and we need to be telling it to those with whom we work and play. When we forget the amazing graciousness of the gift, we stop talking about it. But when we are aware of this amazing love, we tell it to those who haven’t yet believed. God’s speed as you serve as missionaries of God’s grace and love in a graceless and loveless world.


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